Monday, March 30, 2015

Cornflake Zoo - Collected

Garage rock rules in my house and sometimes, one of those bands comes along and presses the right button.  Cornflake Zoo is do just that.  Named after an Andy Ellison song (he was in John's Children), they only put out 3 singles: 'Just A Game', 'Hey Conductor' & 'The End Of The Beginning (Hippie Hill)'.. OK, the last is really an EP but either way - they're output is very limited.  More the pity.  It's also very hard to get, so here you go.

Download (Pick n' Choose)



  1. Completely digging this - what a find! I love it - thank you for the intro

  2. Glad you like it - took me a while to track down their 3 singles. Don't know if they have any more output, but if they do - I'd be dead keen to get it.

  3. Excellent stuff and a great band name. thanks for sharing.
